How to develop cities that respect the environment? While initiatives are already underway throughout France, a new Institute for Sustainable Cities is in the process of being born, at the request of the government. Its missions: to stimulate the sharing of experiences, to present attractive showcases for investors, but also to promote a French offer internationally.
A proliferation of initiatives throughout France
The first mission of the future Institute will be to federate the initiatives that have been multiplying for several years all over France.
- Eco-neighbourhoods: the first of its kind is that of Durable Times in Limeil-Brévannes (94). It was built exclusively in energy-saving housing with the BBC-effinergie® label, whose greenhouse gas emissions are divided by 4. The eco-districts also provide for a dense network of public transport and very present green spaces.
- Another source of committed innovation at the city level: Agendas 21. These Action Plans to create sustainable territories were adopted by 173 Heads of State at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Today in France, more than a thousand local authorities have begun to implement them.
- Finally, note the development of the HQE (High Environmental Quality) approach, a project management tool reserved for operations involving the development or construction of buildings entirely designed with a view to sustainable development.
The need to share experiences
Pooling experiences of existing approaches, broadening knowledge and information on sustainable development, accompanying and supporting these initiatives: it is with this in mind that the Institute for the Sustainable City has been launched. A necessity: there is no shortage of initiatives and involve very diverse players, public, private or associations, scattered throughout France. A grouping of experiences will allow better management of skills.
Launch showcase projects
Another mission of the future Institute: to be at the origin of “showcase” projects, which will be carried out in small towns or neighborhoods to experiment with the latest French technologies for sustainable development. This approach is intended in particular to attract investors and to structure an international offer, by stimulating the Vivapolis label. This “France” brand of the sector allows French companies to present themselves as a group on foreign markets and at international fairs.
By channeling energies and initiatives, the future Sustainable City Institute will have a double impact: helping all regions of France to benefit from the experience of the pioneers. And increase the visibility of our innovative companies in the field!